Sunday, May 9, 2010

Speed Work / Tempo Runs

I look forward to Wednesdays. Wednesdays is middle of the week meaning that a fun weekend lies a ahead. There are no late night shows (Biggest Loser, 24, Grey's, etc) that I watch so I have a free night. It is also the day that I work on my different running paces. It is the day that I do either a speed workout at the local high school track or a tempo run that is closer to my race pace.

Our 1/2 marathon training for September begins May 17 so these posts are pretty much running 101 to get us ready for the training plans so that you are not looking at the training plans, feeling discouraged because you have no idea what I am talking about, and quiting before you start.


This run is as close as you will come to simulating competitive conditioning. It is also called lactate threshold or anaerobic threshold runs (oxygen is used up more quickly than the body is able to replenish it).

This is a quote from Complete Book of Women's Running by Dagny Scott. It explains it much better than if I were to try it.

"If you've ever suffered the dreaded "leaden legs" or "bear on the back" feeling after starting out too fast on a run, you know what it means to surpass your anaerobic threshold. By running just under that threshold, your body develops its ability to process lactic acid more efficiently, which essentially raises your threshold and allows you to run harder...Tempo runs also help you develop a sense of pacing as well as a confidence in your ability to maintain a strenuous pace for longer duration."

So... my goal for the 1/2 marathon in September is 11:49 minute mile. When I do a tempo run, it looks like this : Distance 6 miles, including warm up; 4 miles at 11:51 pace; and a cool down. So I will warm up and cool down at comfortable paces and pick up the pace in between.


5:30 am, Kathleen and I would meet at the local high school, we would hop the fence, pre- stretch, do our track work, watch the sun rise, wave at the janitor shaking his head unlocking the fence, do our final stretch, and go home. It was a productive morning already and it was only 6:30 am.

"Fartleks" let you pick up the pace whenever you feel like it, run as fast as you wish, and recover for as long as you want. They also build your fitness by helping you build stamina for sustained efforts. Don't be afraid to feel your heart rate rise. Embrace it, welcome it. Your pace will improve, your stamina will improve, your breathing will improve. You will be grateful you scratched your leg hopping that fence.

4x around a track is 1 mile. One time is 400 meters, 2x is 800 meters, 3x is 1200 meters, 4x is 1600 meters. I am not ashamed to admit that I need things explained in lamen terms so if I do that, its not to insult your intelligence. Its just how I understand it.

Example: Distance is 5 miles including warm up; 2 x 1600 in 11:12 with 800 jogs; cool down. So you run one mile in 11:12, recover for 800 (2 laps) as slow as you need to, than do it again and cool down.

I hope this helps you better understand these terms. Running at times can be boring. I admit it. I have felt it. These are great ways to not only become a better runner, but to also spice things up a bit. Do these once or twice a week. Let me know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love these things! I have to admit that I haven't been very good about doing these things lately. I just run. Sometimes do some fartleks and that is about it. Maybe this will make me feel's hoping!
